Sunday, September 13, 2009

Niamey, Niger

I've been in Niger a couple of days so far. I've found the people to be extraordinarily nice, and not so agressive about saying hello and selling things, as in Benin; and I've found the transportation to be tiring and time-consuming for non-distance related issues. But really it's a cool place to be visiting.
The architecture has an obvious Islamic influence - with curves and grandeur that comes from the minds of people who think things like the Taj Mahal into existence. This is notable even through the landscaping efforts made, there's something garden-esque about how they go about arranging plants and pathes - it's quite wonderful.
Since I've been here I've seen the Grand Mosque, Grand and Petite Marche (Markets), visit a diversity filled market in Ballayera (I hear people come from Algeria even!), I've riden a horse at the racetrack and a camel in Balleyera, and have chilled with some Toureg artisans in Niamey. I'm quite happy about it all, and definitely enjoying the company of my friend Diane too!
I'll keep you posted! Love and care until... Joc

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