Saturday, December 6, 2008

City life

Why hello there...
It's been awhile, hasn't it! I've been living at my post. Generally I have lots of work.
This time I'm getting to go to training is actually much welcomed, because really it is like a little vacation. I'm finding I'm something of a workaholic if left to my own devices.
I'm now in the large city of Parakou. As I headed into town there was this almost fear and wonderment too that creeped up on me. I was fearful of the change from the limited development in Kalale to much more developed Porto Novo (going there tomorrrow) and I saw it'd be even harder going back to the US in a couple of years. But it is good, i go indeed enjoy the city luxuries, of good food and lots of types of bon bons! :)
The wonderment definitely came from the cities pletifulness - it is absolutely amazing. I don't know what I think about it. It's so cool, but seems unnecessary and foreign maybe? What changes have taken place in my view of material things? Am I less materialistic numerically, but more lustful or desirous towards "creature comforts?"
I guess we'll see!
I'm really loving seeing my Peace Corps friends, they're such a blessing to me. I look forward to seeing more tomorrow, but for today the 5 or so good friends that trickled in was just right numerically and in quality.

Thank God for today, and even the many random people I met and came to love today through the workstation guaardian!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's great! Keep going! Be Strong!