Saturday, November 7, 2009

The motorcycle men from the bush

A couple of fellows go zooming by, on a crowded, public road. I turn to my friend, bewildered a little by the speed and crazy sounds coming from the mortocycle men. He smiles and says, "They're Peuhl, they're from the bush. They so rarely get to experience the 'big' village life that they just get so excited and happy about it."
I can't help but agree with my friend - we've got to excuse they're recklessness because of their contagious joy.

But who are these men? What are the Peuhl?
Peulh are an ethnic minority in the country of Benin. They are often mistreated in parts of Benin. In Kalale, my village, the Peuhl are actually the majority. The Peuhl are thought to be 70% of the population! In my village these semi-nomadic people are often among the wealthiest citizens, with a single cow costing about 333,000 FCFA! The Peuhl provide me, and much of my region, with fresh milk, cheese, and meat. They raise livestock for a living. Young boys start following a cow herd at a pretty young age. I've seen children who look to be seven years old trotting after a cattle or two.

The Peuhl often live in rural communities, on the fringe of villages and beyond. For this reason, when they come into town for market days and such, the busy-ness of village life can't help but tickle out some giggles of delight.

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