Friday, September 6, 2013

Change in the Daily Tune


The last few months I have been working pretty arduously at paying my bills by working far beyond forty hours each week. I’m trying to bring my weekly load of work hours down to fifty to sixty hours per week at the agency for adults with disabilities. It’s refreshing to have a steady schedule forming.

Indiana University has also begun their school year – meaning my fantastic research partner (Kathleen) has returned! As such, we’ve begun chipping away at the research project and associated journal article we worked on endlessly last semester. While I have graduated, I still love learning and using analytical abilities to create fine products. It’s a thrill to give the mind an opportunity to exercise its abilities.

My five year college reunion is approaching, but I am uncertain about whether I will have the opportunity to join in Houghton College’s festive weekend. If you plan on attending, let me know – it might just get me to try that much harder to free myself that weekend!

I am going to attempt to respond to last week’s e-mails in this coming week. I look forward to being in touch, and appreciate all the notes sent my way!! I love hearing about your happenings and life. If you have a blog, please clue me – leave your address below!

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